Civic Engagement

Civic Engagement Resources
the City of Lancaster offers the Neighborhood Leaders Academy---a six-week civic training and grant program for community leaders looking to expand their knowledge of Lancaster’s city government and learn community-building skills.
According to Citizens and Scholars, participatory budgeting involves “regular processes at the school, neighborhood, or local level that allow people to allocate money from a dedicated fund to worthwhile projects and ideas, and in some cases to give input on the overall organizational budget.”
New York City initiated the largest and most well-known participatory budgeting process in the United States
Citizens’ Assemblies
Austin hosted a "Reimagining Public Safety Community Forums" in 2020 as part of a broader effort to address police reform and public safety concerns Learn more here.
In 2020, Oregon held a Citizen Assembly Pilot on COVID-19 Recovery. Learn more here.
Check out these standards here.
DemocracyNext is an international nonprofit that seeks to advocate for, design, embed, and empower Citizens’ Assemblies.”
Learn how to assemble a citizens’ assembly here.