The Democracy Cohort

  • A host of simultaneous crises – the COVID-19 pandemic, an unequal and fragile economy, the climate crisis and extreme weather events, and a generational racial reckoning - are exacerbating a growing political polarization.

    Fundamental democratic processes – like the right to vote; relatively reliable information delivered by our public officials; and an election system free from threats and intimidation - are under attack. Reforms have been stymied at the federal level and in many states, while local government often receives unwarranted anger. The good news is that cities, which affect the lives of millions every day, can help spark a democratic renewal.

  • LPL has assembled a select group of cities and counties to join its inaugural Democracy Cohort. Participating policymakers are obtaining real-time support to (a) determine their cities’ democracy priorities, (b) identify gaps in available resources, and (c) articulate potential solutions.

    These may include (i) election-related reforms, such as facilitating easier registration and voting access; (ii) providing support, training and protection to election officials; (iii) education and support for democracy-minded reforms like ranked-choice voting; (iv) improving information reliability; (v) increased access to equitable civics education, or (vi) exploring ways to financially support the work, including through federal appropriations.

  • Initial participating cities include:

    Aledo, TX

    Boston, MA

    Cambridge, MD

    Green Bay, WI

    Fort Collins, CO

    Lancaster, PA

    Milwaukee, WI

    Oklahoma City, OK

    Philadelphia, PA

    Seattle, WA

Meet Our Participating Cities